
New Recruit On Board Notice

Please follow the following steps in order to complete all procedures:

1. Please inform the personnel staffs if you have ever worked in Academia Sinica before, if so, which institutes and what was(were the job titles)

2. All New Recruit should provide his/her basic contact information online to initiate the procedure, the intranet webpage is available within GRC internal network, the url is: http://as.genomics.sinica.edu.tw/Registration/signUp.html

3. After completing the STEP 1~2, please prepare the following documents on the specified date to the personnel office on 2nd floor administrative area: 

Post-doctoral fellow and assistant Student Contractor
  • two 2” ID photos
  • resume/ curriculum
  • vitae professional licenses
  • Passport & Postal Office account
  • passbook(photocopy)
  • Alien Registration Card (ARC) VIS
  • Two 2” ID photos
  • Resume/ curriculum vitae
  • Student Card
  • Passport & Postal Office account
  • two 2” ID photos
  • resume/ curriculum vitae
  • Passport & Postal Office account